Never leave home without your bike lock! Check out our range of commuting accessories here, including reliable bike locks, component locks & secure chains.
No matter where you live, if you are leaving your bike outside somewhere, you need to secure it. Bike’s come with their own in-built get-away vehicle – they are the vehicle!
As a commuter bike shop we hear about bicycle theft every day. So we can assure you, there simply isn’t a place where your bike is safe in the city.
Even in a secure lock-up inside an apartment or office building, your bike is at risk.
And your best defence against bicycle theft is a good quality lock. We stock ABUS who are a leading lock maker in the world. They don’t just do bike locks, they do house locks, commercial locks & motorbike locks. They are lock specialists & so we trust them to protect your bike.
Choosing the right lock for your bike can be tricky.
Locks are graded on a rating system for how safe they are to leave a bike secured with them, for how long & where. For instance, a folding bike lock may have a security rating of 8 out of 15, but only when left in the daytime or for a few hours. Most locks will not include leaving them overnight in their calculation for how secure the lock is.
This is because leaving a bike outside overnight gives thieves the cover of darkness & reduced visibility from passers by or onlookers. Bike thefts that occur in the night are usually expert thefts, using power tools to cut locks.
Unfortunately there is little protection against an organized thief with a power tool. Even the most secure or steel locks can be cut with a power tool. Though it may be loud, messy & take some time. This is where night-time thievery is common!
The best thing you can do to secure your bike is invest in a good quality & secure bike lock. If you are locking your bike up in an urban environment we recommend a steel U-Lock or a folding lock. These are solid steel & are strong against leverage attacks. They will be hard to break, and ABUS lock mechanisms will be hard to pick.
Securing your bike with a U-Lock or a folding lock will make your bike harder to steal than one using a coil lock. Coil locks are often not even considered locks by insurance companies! This is because your average bike thief will cut a coil lock using hand tools.
We recommend that you do not use a coil lock to secure your bike in an urban environment, even if it is only for a short amount of time. A coil lock is woven wire with a plastic coating to protect your bike frame from rust. The strands of wire can be cut with hand tools like wire cutters, garden snips or even pliers.
The next most important thing to consider is how to lock your bike.
Consider your bike in terms of value. The frame of your bike is the most value, followed by your rear wheel with the drive train on it. Therefore your primary concern should be securing your frame & rear wheel.
Locking your bike through the rear triangle (the stays around your rear wheel) you are securing the most valuable parts of your bike. Making your bike look more difficult to steal than the one beside it is the main objective.
Finally, a well locked bike is less likely to be stolen. Building the habit of securing your bike’s rear wheel, inside the frame is the best thing you can learn. Once you have this down pat, you are less likely to come out to a missing bike!
Finding this all too hard to think about? Dropping by our bike shop in Richmond with your bicycle can help! We can demonstrate the best way to lock your bike, and with which lock.
Allowing us to help you with your bike means your bike is less likely to be stolen. And we would all benefit from less stolen bikes!